
Becoming a Knight is a privilege but also one that can transform your spiritual and social life. As a practicing Catholic man, if you have an interest serving your parish and Diocese, helping those less fortunate than yourself, developing your own faith and being part of a Brotherhood of like-minded Catholic friends then, the Knights of St Columba could be ideal for you.

Family is at the heart of a Knights Catholic life. Following in our family’s faith we are first baptised as children and go on to choose to receive the other sacraments and develop our Faith. As Knights, we seek to develop our Parish and Catholic life along with our ‘Brothers’ and our families. Joining the order need not be onerous, you can give as much or as little time as your working/family life allows.

Standing together in Faith, with our Families by our side, in our Fraternity, we will continue to make a difference and be a force for good. Joining the Knights will help you to;

  • Deepen your own spirituality through prayer, good works and friendship.
  • Develop a new circle of Catholic friends and a more active social life.
  • Be welcomed and valued regardless of age, ethnicity, and mobility.
  • Be supported in your own Parish and to develop your God given talents.
  • Be part of the decision-making process regarding projects to support.
  • Be an active campaigner for Pro-family and Pro-life issues.

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