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"We need to return to Columba, then we'll return to Christ and that is all we need for the Knights of St Columba to succeed"

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, 23 May 2023

Cardinal Vincent May2023
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Charity - Unity - Fraternity

We exist to support the mission of the Catholic Church and at the same time to work for the spiritual, intellectual and material welfare of our members and their families.

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Faith Family Fraternity

Members are encouraged to play an active role in the Catholic Church

They support Members, families, Parish and the local Community

They support our Widows and pray regularly for the Deceased Brothers Knights


Serve God by Serving Others

We are an Order of Catholic men bound together in Charity, Unity and Fraternity to enrich our faith and spirituality by words and actions to proclaim the moral and social message of the Catholic Church.


Fr. Stephen Wang Says

We are ready for the Jubilee pilgrims who are converging on Rome this year. We have turned the Salotto into a Welcome Centre so they can orientate themselves before having a tour of the College. We’ve bought a new TV so we can show visitors the EWTN documentary about the life and history of the College.

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John Traynor

“Is our man a miracle?”

In August 1993, a front-page article in the Catholic Pictorial appeared under the banner: “Is our man a miracle?” It was a reference to the cure of John (Jack) Traynor at Lourdes in 1923, and the possibility that this cure might officially be declared miraculous. The article added that, “Ever since the World War I veteran was cured instantaneously and dramatically during the first archdiocesan pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady… many have believed unquestioningly that the event was miraculous.

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Order loses two stalwarts

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of two esteemed members of our Order:
– Past Supreme Knight Pat Layden, K.C.S.G., K.H.S., of Council 429, who passed away on December 2, 2024. – Brother George Smith
of Council 150, Past Director and Past Supreme Warden, who passed away on November 24, 2024.
We ask that you keep their families in your prayers during this difficult time. 
+ May they rest in peace +

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POPE FRANCIS: CBS Interview with Norah O’Donnell

Pope Francis sits down for a global exclusive interview with CBS Evening News anchor and managing editor Norah O’Donnell from the Vatican. In a wide-ranging conversation, Francis speaks about the wars across the world, immigration, climate change, his vision for the Catholic Church and his legacy. Ahead of the Church’s first World Children’s Day, the Pontiff talks about children as hope for the future. Copyright ©2024 CBS Interactive Inc.

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