
Our work as Lay Apostles is at the forefront of the Order’s Aims and Objectives. The Knights set out a detailed action and social plan each year to reach our Local and National goals. We offer support, monthly updates and training to thousands of Knights across The UK and hold annual competitions for Council of the year.

We are pro-life and arrange Catholic Social Action in support of the Catholic Church. It is through working together that we can achieve these aims and by socialising together that firm bonds and life-long friendships are created. 

By the promotion of our Action Policy, we will be in a far better position to recruit and retain new Members, and therefore have more workers for the vineyard. Our supportive families get to meet, understand and support our goals as well as having fun. It is through the Action and Social activities that Knights work together and truly become ‘Brothers’.

National Action Project

As part of The Knights Mission to help those less fortunate than ourselves, we chose National Action Projects. Every two or three years at our Supreme Council our members put forward shortlisted projects. A vote by all the delegates at Supreme Councils decides the next National Action Project. These National Action Projects raise tens of thousands of pounds for these Charities.

Over the years we have supported many charities worldwide including Cafod, Marys Meals, Wells for Water, Aid to the Church in Need, VisionAid Overseas.

Past National Action Project 2019 – 2022 to support The John Foster Charitable Trust.

The Programs
The care and well-being of the boys at the John Foster Memorial Home is paramount in order to give them the best possible start in adult life.
Our programs covers Nutrition, Health &  Well-being and Education whilst they reside in the safe surroundings of the Memorial Home.

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching is based on the belief that God has a plan for creation, a plan to build his kingdom of peace, love and justice. It holds that God has a special place in this story for each of us, whoever we are.
As Knights of St Columba, our vocation means we treat everyone as our brother for the common good.
This touches upon many different aspects of life, from the family to international development, how we think of those who are homeless to how we care for the environment, and from how we shop and consume to the rights of workers and the dignity of work


Knights raise funds in various ways throughout the year. Across the country our 200 + local councils arrange various social events to raise funds for charity and hospices such as sponsored walks, raffles, dinner dances, race nights, bucket collections, carparking, Go fund me pages, BBQ’s, etc. Nationally our 200 Club helps raise monthly revenue for the Apostolates fund. and we hold an annual Grand National draw which supports youth initiatives.

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