Aims & Objectives
1. The Order of the Knights of St. Columba exists to support the mission of the Roman Catholic Church and at the same time to work for the spiritual, intellectual and material welfare of its members and their families.
2. The Order is an organised body of Catholic Men, giving its entire loyalty to the Holy See, to the Hierarchy and the Clergy in all things appertaining to the Catholic Faith.
3. By doing so it is pledged to support its members in their vocation and mission as Catholics and in spreading the Gospel for the conversion of souls and the growth of the Church.
4. Realising it is part of the Universal Church the Order is further pledged to co-operate with other organisations local, national and international in the furtherance of these objectives.
5. In accordance with the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church, members of the Order will diligently work for the moral and Social Welfare of their country and in particular, to help young people develop in the likeness of Christ.
6. Members of the Order will aim to achieve these Objectives through the Fundamental Virtues of Charity, Unity and Fraternity.