Birmingham Province 18 Memorial Mass
Birmingham Province 18 take place on Saturday 12 November at 4.30pm at St Chad’s Cathedral Birmingham.
Leeds Provincial 5 Memorial Mass
Provincial Memorial Mass for Province 5 Leeds will take place on Sunday November 20th 2022, at 11.00am at St Anne's Cathedral, Leeds.
Westminster Provinces Deceased Brothers Mass
Mass for Deceased Brothers for Westminster Provinces. Westminster Cathedral on Sunday the 20th November 2022 at 12 noon. Everyone is welcome.
Province 3 Deceased Brothers and families Mass
Province 3 Mass for Deceased Brothers and their families will take place on Wednesday 23rd November St. Mungo’s RC Church. Mar Street, Alloa at 7.00pm. Fr. Paul Le (Provincial Chaplain) is the main celebrant. Tea/Coffee is in the church hall afterwards.
SK meeting with Fr Clark Carfin & Archbishop Cushley
SK meeting with Fr Clark Carfin & Archbishop Cushley
Portsmouth, Province 14 Deceased Brothers Mass
Province 14 Deceased Brothers Mass Monday 28th November 2022 @ 7pm St John's Cathedral Bishop Cristian Way Portsmouth PO1 3HQ
Board meeting Liverpool
Board meeting Liverpool
Province 37 meeting
Province 37 meeting
Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe
The Holy Child and St Joseph 2 Brereton Rd, Bedford MK40 1HU Time ; TBC (evening)
SK in Head Office
SK in Head Office
Mass for Province 29 – Sunday June 4th
Mass for Province 29 - Sunday June 4th St Monicas, Palmers Green N13 4DH. Chief celebrant Bishop John Sherrington followed by a buffet reception - which everyone is welcome to attend Contact: Deputy Grand Knight, Louis Appiah (mobile 07484134848) for more details