Archives Events

Leeds Provincial 5 Memorial Mass

Provincial Memorial Mass for Province 5 Leeds will take place on Sunday November 20th 2022, at 11.00am at St Anne's Cathedral, Leeds.

Province 3 Deceased Brothers and families Mass

Province 3 Mass for Deceased Brothers and their families will take place on Wednesday 23rd November St. Mungo’s RC Church. Mar Street, Alloa at 7.00pm. Fr. Paul Le  (Provincial Chaplain) is the main celebrant. Tea/Coffee is in the church hall afterwards.

Mass for Province 29 – Sunday June 4th

Mass for Province 29 - Sunday June 4th St Monicas, Palmers Green N13 4DH. Chief celebrant Bishop John Sherrington followed by a buffet reception - which everyone is welcome to attend Contact: Deputy Grand Knight, Louis Appiah (mobile 07484134848) for more details  

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